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Silica gel was patented in 1919 by Walter A. Patrick, a professor of chemistry at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. It had previously been used in gas masks during World War I for the adsorption of vapors and gases. The substance had been known since 1640 as a scientific curiosity with no use or application until then.
Su gran porosidad, que le otorga alrededor de 800 m²/g de superficie específica, lo convierte en un absorbente de agua. Por este motivo se utiliza para reducir la humedad en espacios cerrados, normalmente hasta un 40%.
Para prepararse, una solución acuosa de silicato sódico se acidifica para producir un precipitado gelatinoso, que se lava; a continuación se deshidrata, para producir gel de sílice incoloro.
It is commonly found in the form of small spheres packed in breathable bags. In this form, it is used asagente desecante para controlar la humedad local, evitar el deterioro de ciertos bienes y empaques.
Habitualmente los paquetes de gel de sílice lThey carry warnings intended to prevent users from ingesting their contents, however they are not toxic.
There is also the indicator silica gel, this product will change its original color to indicate that it has been completely hydrated and can no longer absorb more moisture because its capacity has been reached. It is available in blue and orange, the difference between the two is that the blue includes cobalt, cobalt has been classified as a possible cause of cancer. At Dabesa we have for sale gel silica naranja con indicador.